Product Detail


Alone At Last

Price: £9.99
12.58 USD 12.01 EUR 91.41 CNY
In Stock 910
Tommy Smith - Edwin Morgan
Product ID STS004
Date Added
Tommy Smith - tenor & soprano saxes, synth, samples & percussion
Edwin Morgan - poetry
Kenny Barron - piano
James Genus - bass
Clarence Penn - drums
Groven Myhren - soprano vocal
Steve Hamilton - synth & computers samples
Aidan O'Donnell - bass
John Blease - drums, gongs & pionciana pod

Recorded New York, Norway & Scotland 2000-2002

Alone at Last - Tommy Smith - Spartacus STS004

Released on his own Spartacus label, Alone at Last is just what it says; a unique and personal performance by tenorist Tommy Smith.

It is courting controversy to state that Smith is best known as leader of the Scottish National Jazz Orchestra and firmly sewn in to a Basie-esqe straitjacket but many a commentator has made that allegation in the past. This album, however, firmly dispels the rumour and portrays the saxophonist as his own man. Much of the content emphasises Smith's Scottish heritage and background with titles such as Robert Burns and the Loch Ness Monster Song. Indeed, this amazing blend of music and poetry owns much to the Bard. Internationalism is not forsaken, though, with the emotive Twin Towers giving a profound poignancy to the collection. Recorded in New York, Norway and Scotland over a two year period, this album is a true "must" for every thinking jazz collector. We may never see its likes again!

Funky Notes 'Online Magazine'

Ally The Wallygator
Into Silence
Twin Towers
Robert Burns
Over The Rainbow
In The Cave
Folk Song
In The Beginning
Loch Ness Monster Song
The Ring Of Brodgar
Jazz Hop
From The Video Box 25
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